Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Man of Many Lives

Sometimes I am living in rural Suffolk in the early 1930s. There doesn't seem to be an awful lot going on and it is much the same in central London in 1951. On transcribing my grandfather and my grandmother's diaries for 1930 and 1951 respectively, I can easily forget that the two dates were separated by the Second World War, for life goes on much as it always done, rather like the world of Bertie Wooster!

I also live on in the 'thirties through the pages of Last Train from Liguria and A Time of Gifts. If I want to get a taste of life at the outset of the War I can always turn to Ken Follett's Night Over Water. In need of something more ancient, I have A Song of Achilles to hand, and if I want a taste of something a little more modern, there are the Diaries of Sylvia Plath to ponder. Nearer my own time I have Beyond Black at my disposal while Stephen King's 11/22/63 allows me to travel back and forth between 1963 and 2011.
I myself am set in 2012.

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