Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Breaking News

Nicolas Sarkozy challenges François Hollande to Duel 11.43 am

PARIS (Reuters) -Possible venues include the Bois de Boulogne and the Tuileries Gardens. Mr Sarkozy has sportingly offered Mr Hollande the choice of weapons. Seconds have yet to be appointed but are likely to be Jack Lang and Roland Dumas (Hollande) and Edouard Balladur and Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (Sarkozy.  Full Article
Greek Tragedy at Troyes 
TROYES (Reuters) -In front of an awestruck crowd, his Rolex of burnished bronze glistening in the cruel sun, Nicolas Sarkozy yesterday dragged the bedraggled body of his defeated rival François Hollande around the arena, before dumping it unceremoniously before the tribune of a bemused Ségolène of Troyes. Full article  


PARIS (Reuters) - In a sign that the euro crisis may at last be easing, Moody's yesterday upgraded its rating for France το γ++ (οutlook: grim) 

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